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Smallest saturating arithmetic functions in x86 assembly: Is 45 bytes the limit? (regehr.org)
23 points by SlyShy on Dec 23, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

You can shave a byte off the unsigned addition by using the sbb instruction

    00000000 <original>:
    0:	8b 44 24 04          	mov    0x4(%esp),%eax
    4:	31 d2                	xor    %edx,%edx
    6:	f7 d2                	not    %edx
    8:	03 44 24 08          	add    0x8(%esp),%eax
    c:	0f 42 c2             	cmovb  %edx,%eax
    f:	c3                   	ret    

    00000010 <one_shorter>:
     0:	8b 44 24 04          	mov    0x4(%esp),%eax
    14:	03 44 24 08          	add    0x8(%esp),%eax
    18:	89 c3                	mov    %eax,%ebx
    1a:	19 c3                	sbb    %eax,%ebx
    1c:	09 d8                	or     %ebx,%eax
    1e:	c3                   	ret    
By (ab)using the short pop instructions we can save another byte:

   0000001f <another>:
   1f:	58                   	pop    %eax
   20:	5b                   	pop    %ebx
   21:	01 d8                	add    %ebx,%eax
   23:	89 c3                	mov    %eax,%ebx
   25:	19 c3                	sbb    %eax,%ebx
   27:	09 d8                	or     %ebx,%eax
   29:	83 ec 08             	sub    $0x8,%esp
   2c:	c3                   	ret

Not sure about the goals, but instructions like sar, btc, and loop have significant performance penalty.

When you're aiming for small code, performance is the last of your worries. A couple years back I decided to implement a complete bootloader that could read a kernel from NTFS in the MBR -- 510 bytes usable. While performance would've been nice, just getting it into that space was a massive(ly fun) chore.

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