It would appear that Craigslist has this market on lock down. Craigslist is almost the term people use when referencing online classified ads in general - like Kleenex.
With all the simplicities of Craigslist though, it seems like it could be updated and done better. I know 'better' is subjective, but a lot of newer technologies have come out since Craigslist was initially released. The concept could perhaps be modernized a bit.
Do you think there's room in the market for another Craigslist? What kind of things could make classified ads better?
They might have more 'stuff' on Craigslist but I'm really turned off by the spam and the old feel of the site. Their neglect for a great UI and consumer experience lost them a user.
I am by no means a hardcore classifieds user, but I would really like a site that had a much more powerful search, better spam filtering and a way to clean out expired items more quickly.