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90 points by hardik on Dec 22, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 31 comments
| | I have been under constant pressure about a few things and that had me down from a few months, affecting my productivity, mood, appetite and lots more. Today, I just opened the notepad and started typing away what I felt. The idea to do so seemed a little funny at first as my thoughts were very clear in my mind and it was my helplessness to do anything that had got me down, but trust me, it helped tremendously. After so many days, I did some meaningful work, of course nothing compared to my peak days but it did break the "cant-do-anything" streak. I have also been feeling better overall after writing.
Just thought would share this with you all. Happy holidays. |
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Write. Write down exactly what you are thinking. It will probably be hard at first, especially if you are not used to blogging, creating copy, or writing essays. That's okay: start by just taking a pen and putting words down on paper. Do not worry about grammar or structure. Switch from point to point as they come to you. The purpose is to get each idea down on paper. Structure can come later: read it again and rewrite it.
I have discovered, and I want to prove this but I do not yet know how, that when a person writes down an idea, the mind no longer stresses itself to remember that idea. This makes sense: why waste time and space indexing new information if it can just be looked up? Instead, your mind just remembers where to look.
Moreover, because they are out of your mind, these ideas will not rise to your conscious thoughts every few minutes to worry you. That project you have due next Monday won't stress you out every hour. Write it down. Write down everything you worry about that project. I might not finish in time. The package might never show up. Ken is so unreliable. Tim hasn't answered my email yet, should I email him? I haven't written the first page yet, but I have to write 20. Maybe I can write an outline first. Can I outsource this part?
Write it down, wr....