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Ask HN: how does duplicates detector work?
3 points by egor83 on Dec 22, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
About a week ago I submitted a link to HN (results of a recent poll about programming languages: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2000534 ).

However, this submission didn't get any votes, so I tried to submit it again a couple more times (with a day or two in between), without any result.

Then I checked "new submissions" page while logged out and noticed that my later submissions don't show up at all. I played a bit with the address or title, so as not to trigger dup detection, but it still wouldn't show up.

Does anyone know what has happened? Did I run into some limit by trying to submit it too many times? Is there a way to resubmit some link you want HN to see if it was not upvoted for the first time?

You could take a look at the source to figure it out yourself: https://github.com/nex3/arc/blob/master/news.arc

The code for processing a submitted story starts on line 1484.

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