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So you mean Fox News?

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I have found those who have bought the most into disinformation are those who have completely vilified the "others", while I would like to say most of those people are the one's who consume Fox News unquestionably most of the people are getting their news from social media such as Facebook and Reddit.

The other majors are doing it too. The topic may change, but those techniques are in wide use by the major media conglomerates.

Every major network pushes their own narrative. I wouldn't single Fox News out at all.

If you're talking about US TV you might have a point, but I wouldn't say that Fox News meets European standards. Especially their interviews are sometimes plain demagogic and not information-seeking at all.

"Both sides do it!" is a really unconvincing argument.

Watch an hour of prime-time CNN and prime-time Fox News, and it's obvious that Fox is more willing to stretch the truth, mislead watchers, and spread FUD.

I would be more willing to single out Hannity than Fox News as a whole. Some of the prime time shows on Fox are opinion/entertainment rather than actual news.

I would aggressively challenge that

It appears you wouldn’t

So, a little nicer misinformation is OK?

Where did I say it’s okay? I said both sides are not equal, and conservative news outlets are worse than liberal ones.

I believe that trend holds for conservatism in general.

Is your defense of Fox News “nobody else is perfect, so why should anyone be held to any standard”?

Regarding standards, which you are in agreement with me on in terms of identifying them:

Clarity in the majors is pretty low right now.

Transparency in bias.

Bias is not really getting an honest discussion on the major networks right now. It should. And the moment it does, there are issues to work through. Some of those may be costly to the majors too.

On some topics, and I have a random list here, bias gets in the way, and the only real discussion is side discussion like ours happening right now:

War (framing in terms of it being generally good, necessary)

Economics (No labor point of view)

Media / Internet (Neutrality, impact of massive consolidation, access journalism...)

In any case, just know I was not intending to make any negative statements your way. Just asked the question to provoke some discussion, nothing more.

I dislike FOX and am not defending them.

The major media companies are all doing a terrible job. Being better than FOX is a very low bar.

I am saying that inequality does not matter all that much on a growing number of issues.

There is a revolving door between the Trump administration and Fox News today, with multiple high-profile Fox News personalities campaigning with Trump.

This is not normal. Previous presidents, regardless of political party, did not engage in this behavior.

Former DNC chairwoman Donna Brazile works for Fox now. It would seem the revolving door is rather different from what you are seeing. She went from CNN to the DNC by being Hillary Clinton's choice to run the DNC, right after the scandal where she gave debate questions to Hillary Clinton in advance.

It looks like this is in fact normal. It's understandable too, since connected people with an understanding of media and politics are obviously of value.

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