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The job of a radiologist is to construct a story that holds water around the diagnosis and communicate that to other specialists, so they can use that to understand the problem at hand.

Concretely, a radiologist may say "there is a lesion compatible with your presumption of diagnosis X, however another neighbouring lesion Y speaks against diagnosis X. In light of patient history, further examination of lesion Y by modality Z is advised". That's the minimum we expect, otherwise we wouldn't need radiologists because many specialists can analyze the images relevant to their specialty themselves.

I don't deny it will be possible to automate in the future, but currently not possible. Radiologists are useful, and their job lies beyond matters of image description.

Sounds like we're in perfect agreement on the critical points and the only debate would be around the timeframe (10 years or ?).

- It will be possible to automate a large % of a radiologists job in the future, it's currently not possible.

- Radiologists are useful and their job lies beyond matters of image description

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