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Salesforce eats their own dogfood.

They use an app built on the force.com platform for managing all development work on their CRM product.

The app, free to install in your own instance and use: https://appexchange.salesforce.com/appxListingDetail?listing...

Also, they use SF for Dreamforce planning end to end. I've seen it, it's pretty freaking amazing. I was convinced they were going to release a "Conference Cloud" product after I saw what they had done for organizing Dreamforce.

Real Estate, Investor Relations, HR, Anything with an Approval Process... If you ever have a chance to attend a “Salesforce on Salesforce” session, take it. Or better yet, just ask for one if you’re a customer and want to see how they do a thing.

Was reading about it quite recently and tbh was a little bit surprised, especially knowing that behind the scenes is one massive JAVA superjob with millions of lines of code...It must take some effort to maintain the whole thing..

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