Yep. My Emacs workflow is a lot like my old terminal workflow, but now it's Emacs+packages instead of terminal+ncurses apps. If you try to do a lot of terminal emulation inside Emacs you'll probably have a bad time.
I try to use eshell for whatever I can (some things still work better in a standard terminal), so I wrote Equake, a drop-down console (with tabs) in Emacs Lisp for eshell (though it can also open term or shell tabs as well):
Can someone comment on how to get better colors on eshell?
The only thing that stops me from using it is that xterm-256color and ansi-color and all the articles on the web talking about colors ultimately say this - the terminal emulator that it ships with just cannot do better colors?
(Eg when you do a ‘cargo run’ for rust, the error colors aren’t even highlighted in eshell)
Interestingly, I've gotten used to checking $TERM and making sure it's set due to entering Docker containers to poke around them: in a lot of images, it's unset, and you get really old-school terminal emulator behaviour without it!
A minor addition to what the article says about ipython: You can run arbitrary shell commands there without system() by prefixing them with !. It even supports using python variables as in `a = "some_dir"; ! cd $a`.