You don't need to be a leftist to think the Russian government played a role in influencing the U.S. presidential election when it engaged in a hacking campaign against a candidate.
Can you point to some examples of conservatives who think Russia got Trump elected? If anything, it seems like our news media’s obsession with Trump had a larger role in getting him elected. They gave him nearly 24/7 coverage, and continue to give him that same focus even today.
We know Russia helped a Republican be elected US president in 2016. There's a whole 400+ page report exhaustive going through the available evidence.
"maybe a us president be so gleeful about a foreign country interfering in our elections" isn't a leftist stance. Branding any opposition to the GOP narrative that Russia is "fake news" as leftism is just pure partisan hackery.
In general, selective-outrage leads to selective justice, selective justice leads to tyranny, please think about it next time you read cherry picked conclusions.
Even with that, the investigation -- were not able to establish that
a) Trump directed Russia to do anything
b) the outcome of election was driven by foreign interference
In the mean time, Obama admin did not stop any interference while they knew of attempts. So it was either not significant or it did not help Trump.
Let's not forget, however what has been established:
The whole investigation was partisan, and premised on fake evidence, illegally planted.
Clinton campaign directing and buying fake evidence from foreign powers, to initiate spying on a political opponent -- is exactly the type of foreign and domestic inference, that should have been investigated by a special council.
So that much for 'equal justice' for all.
Mueller's claim that Russia hacked into DNC emails and release damaging truth to US voters, through Wiki leaks -- has not been proven either beyond a reasonable doubt.
You can choose to believe it -- but there is no evidence that was presented to public that clearly established the link.
Finally, nobody is branding oposition to GOP as fake news -- what is branded as fake news is:
a) selective-outrage
b) fake claims
c) active suppression of positive news from Trump
d) active purging of conservative voices on social media platforms
e) presenting the left's abuse of judiciary system with never-ending perjury traps -- as 'Justice'. While the outrage against this hijacking of US's judiciary system is labeled as 'obstructing'.