This is actually great in so many aspects for companies.
GitHub could even change the way companies handle open-source development (in the same way Uber changed taxi market).
Instead of hiring (and keeping) full-time developer (and paying insurance, taxes, etc.) company can abuse this system and 'convince' employee that they can continue working for their project as a contract-free open-source developer and get same 'salary' (or more when this project become successful).
In such case they will be able to fire him (or replace with 'cheaper' one) and no one will be able to complain.
I'm sure it can happen in some countries with weak labour rights.
So they can chase two rabbits ($$$ for marketing and $ for developemnt).
Instead of hiring (and keeping) full-time developer (and paying insurance, taxes, etc.) company can abuse this system and 'convince' employee that they can continue working for their project as a contract-free open-source developer and get same 'salary' (or more when this project become successful).
In such case they will be able to fire him (or replace with 'cheaper' one) and no one will be able to complain. I'm sure it can happen in some countries with weak labour rights.
So they can chase two rabbits ($$$ for marketing and $ for developemnt).