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24 Hours with TypeScript (hueniverse.com)
4 points by asplake on May 19, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Thank you! Drives me insane when people go through all the work to create amazing tools and then don't bother to document them. A few incomplete examples is not a specification! (And side note not specific to ts, if there's anything in your examples that aren't blatantly obvious to a noob, don't make me duckduckgo it!)

Have had similar experience trying to type some existing code. What documentation there was for it was at the very least missing some key pieces. In the end the only way I was able to get by was by looking for packages that has similar structure on definitely typed to use as templates, and asking for help.

Edit: from tsdoc "What's next: Write up an initial draft of the TSDoc spec document, which outlines the proposed standard"

ok fair enough

> Third, I do not buy the premise that types will make my code better. I have worked with strongly typed languages in the past, and I consider my JavaScript code today to be better.


Also, this is less about programming in typescript and more about setting up a project in typescript along with things like type definition files which can be a hit or miss. Also the documentation on typescript could be a lot better. I don't think there's even an official reference, just a guide like thing.

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