I don't really understand why people would want a GC over deterministic destruction like in Rust. GC is [neither necessary
nor sufficient](https://ruudvanasseldonk.com/2015/10/06/neither-necessary-no...). Ownership model in practice is much more convenient precisely because objects can act like resources and implement their cleanup logic, and the business logic can rely on it. It's a great improvement in any imperative PL.
I have (re-)implemented couple of real-life projects, and each time Rust was much better higher-level language than eg. Java, Python or JS. Borrow checker fights are non-issue in practice: just avoid references, pass messages as copies and when you have to share data use `Arc` and copy on write (or just add `Mutex`).
There's a reason why Rust is most loved PL for 4 years in a row. Once you try it, and get past initial adjustments (mosty: what owns what relationship) everything clicks, and I guarantee that you won't miss GC at all.
> Many GC enabled system languages do offer both mechanisms.
Can you give me an example? Java's `finalize` is not deterministic destruction. D's scope guards (or Go's `defer`) are also not like destructors, because a calling code has to take care of them.
> It is a matter of enjoying productivity it offers,
There's hardly any productivity gain, and it is being offset by productivity gained by a reliable and hassle-free resource management.
That's true, since Python has reflection it can't easily optimize that case, whereas that's a powerful benefit of having a linear type system for tracking ownership like Swift or Rust. But early freeing (which Rust has and Python does not) is slightly different from deterministic freeing (which both have) is slightly different from guaranteed freeing (which CPython has and Rust does not).
Dealing with borrow checker on cases that are still being worked on (NLL 2, GUI callbacks), using unsafe for graphs or dealing with use-after-free array indexes for the alternative workaround, unsafe Drop implementations, doesn't look hassle free to me.
> using unsafe for graphs or dealing with use-after-free array indexes for the alternative workaround, unsafe Drop implementations, doesn't look hassle free to me.
Valid points, but these are rare problems in idiomatic Rust.
Specifically avoiding graphs by structuring code into a tree of ownership, has greatly improved architecture of my programs, to the point that I just do it like this in all programming languages I use.
Rust made me realize how many problems objects carelessly cross-referencing each other (especially in OOP) - "because there's a GC, so why not" create.
Similar with array of indexes - great improvement both in usability and reliability. At least all use after-free in that case is checked and fails deterministicly. It makes my data with graph-like, or relationship properties resemble relational database.
For problems with lifetimes in destruction all I needed so far is https://crates.io/crates/dangerous_option . I actually wish it was part of language (a nullable types, panicking at runtime).
As pjmlp said below, GC doesn't preclude deterministic destruction, so it isn't about resources in general; it is largely about memory. Also typical programs in any language have quite a bit of stack-allocatable data and C/C++/D/Go/Rust do support stack-allocatation, so the memory heap isn't involved everywhere.
Wherever the memory heap is involved, if the system isn't memory-starved, it can be argued that deterministic free-ing is a step too far; maybe you don't want time to be spent putting that long-ish list of heap-allocated values on the free list when exiting a function on the critical path. There is something to be said for lazy operations in such contexts, which the GC can provide (off the critical path - using GC.disable() in D) - a lot easier than a "region-based" memory management solution in C/C++/Rust. I don't know of a synthetic benchmark result to tilt the argument either way.
At a system level, it is slightly dismaying that the "back-pressure" required to trigger lazy operations is only present for memory, and only within a Unix process; when it comes to limits on open file handles or sockets or overall OS memory usage, there is no back-pressure to reclaim them - indeed no mechanism to lazily schedule files/sockets for closure.
> indeed no mechanism to lazily schedule files/sockets for closure.
It's not only about file sockets. It's about your core abstractions. Thread-pools, channels, flushing streams, events and other stuff, unlocking Mutexes, auto-validating guards etc...
I have production or semi-production experience with code written in C, D, C++, Python, Go, Java, Node, Scala, Rust and others (please excuse argument from authority, but that's all I have right now) so I can tell the difference and I think ...
... people that haven't worked with Rust long enough greatly under-appreciate number of stuff that benefit from deterministic resource-like management - not only on system resource usage / performance side, but simply the day to day reliability and writing simple bug-free code with ease.
I wasn't talking about necessarily temporal operations like mutex ops; of course, they should be deterministically done - it is a beautiful implementation detail that it falls out of the principles of Rust, without explicit compiler support and/or "checked-delete" as is required in most other languages.
I meant lazy operations for avoiding unnecessarily making things like memory deallocation temporal. Unless you have a strict memory budget (and you might additionally need to have mitigation for memory fragmentation), freeing whenever GC deems it fit, or streams flushing whenever the OS/library deems it fit, can't be worse - but could potentially be better - for performance than being done only at points decided arbitrarily by the language and the program structure. It is simply easier to disable GC on critical paths.
But as you say, you are not (only) talking about performance. You are talking about determinism for predictability. I hope you are not implying predictability across various threads/processes that make up the system, only within 1 thread/process where that predictability leads to reliability.
Reliability across threads/processes needs strategy because failures are inevitable (yes, I have drunk the Erlang kool-aid too, among other ones). While I have no doubt that Rust's design principles would support developing such strategies, I do wonder as to what scale this would work up to ...
... as you say, I don't know the size of projects Rust has scaled to, I just know enough about Rust itself to balk at its complexity (and I am a C++ person!). Maybe we are just talking from different viewpoints. You, having done a variety of non-trivial production code in a plethora of languages, plump for Rust. But I honestly wonder about the size & longevity of your C/C++ semi-production code - semi, because it is C/C++ ;-) - I have worked on large C++ codebases for long-lived products, and I somehow can't see another complex language solving more problems net-net.
> I meant lazy operations for avoiding unnecessarily making things like memory deallocation temporal.
Yes, I wasn't talking about real-time/performance consideration. The root post was along the lines of "Rust is nice, but I like productivity of a GC". I'm saying deterministic destruction is more productive for the developer and Rust makes a great high-level language.
Regarding stuff like non-blocking deallocation etc.
You can still do it in Rust if so you desire. In the a destructor, enforced by the type, you can use nice abstractions, etc. and eg. defer deallocations, or draw memory from an arean. I think eventually Rust will just have more or less standardized type for GCs and graphs with explicit roots etc.
But sure, it is all still very new here, so if one is writing a real-time trading or OS, maybe they should stick to C/C++.
> But I honestly wonder about the size & longevity of your C/C++ semi-production code - semi, because it is C/C++
In C I worked on code powering embedded chips (mostly radio communication, kernel modeules) and eg. real-time hypervisor powering some high-end cars. In C++ eg. some high-perf data management stuff (data dedupilcation, encryption, etc.) in a SV unicorn. I actually would describe myself as C (as opposed to C++ person), but I know my around modern C++ quite well - i just really don't like working with it.
> I somehow can't see another complex language solving more problems net-net.
I don't think Rust is actually that complex. It is definitely bigger than C, but I think it's much smaller than C++. And it is sane. Thinks play well together in it, I think I could get a new dev productive with Rust in a week or up to a monthy, and as long as you avoid `unsafe` in Rust they will produce a decent code with ease. In C++ you're either an "expert" or you're debugging segfaults. ;)
I truly was curious about your C/C++ code - good for you that it was less C++ and more C! I don't know any masochists, so I don't know anybody who likes to work in C++ (even with just composition and generics), or even any reluctant "expert". I get away from segfaults because I am on server & can get away by more static copying of data (it pales in comparision to what alternatives offer).
I can see why you think Rust is tractable; you have worked on fairly complex stuff like automobile base software (AutoSAR, was it?). I am probably not as good at it as you are, so the cognitive load of designing at that scale with borrow-checking seems prohibitive. I hope there is a way to slice the problem which makes for less cognitive load.
Just a real-time hypervisor for Tegra underlying Nvidia Automotive platform. MISRA C, ISO 26262. Bleh. :D
> so the cognitive load of designing at that scale with borrow-checking seems prohibitive
I have multiple 1k - 10k line Rust projects on github, and I hardly ever deal or think about lifetimes. I just randomly opened a project of mine on github, opening some major files and there's literally 0 explicit lifetime annotations anywhere.
People hang up on lifetimes because they are unfamiliar, but for someone that gets some understanding and accepts "ways of Rust" (mostly avoiding cyclical graphs, using IDs instead of pointers, etc.), there are not an issue. Only when designing some weird zero-cost abstractions in performance-critical APIs, trying to avoid any copying, one has to annotate some lifetimes in non-trivial ways. Usually you can just ask someone on IRC and they will give you an answer. :D
The mental overhead is actually way lower than in C (or most languages for that matter). After a while you get used to relying on compiler to check the mundane stuff and focus only on the higher level problems. It's quite relieving actually.
About the design model for programming in Rust, I guess only making the time to try writing something in Rust can answer the question. It is interesting how the steepness of the Rust learning curve could actually be a hook to get people to try it, which is all any well-designed language would need to gain adherents.
Back to critical systems programming, does MISRA C have a "certified" compiler like CompCert C or something? If so, Rust usage in such a niche must be a long way away - even if one could "certify" the Rust compiler code, how would one "certify" the million+ lines of C++ in LLVM!
I think mainly because mastering new concepts increases the barrier to entry, overhead and scope. Which in turn affects creativity. There are many brilliant programming languages, used by brilliant programmers, yet, most really useful software tends to be produced by whatever. It would be awesome if Rust could overcome that, but I don't really see how currently.
In the no-GC no-runtime niche, you probably need brilliant programmers anyway. Most of them are banging their heads against the C++ wall right now; they would love to get back some of their lost creativity via mastering of new concepts (Rust borrow checker, or Pony's deny capabilities - https://pony-lang.io ).
In my experience C++ programmers aren't necessarily great programmers as such. Because low levels things usually requires domain knowledge and experience more so than programming brilliance.
The topic was the no-GC no-runtime niche, which necessarily requires brilliant programmers, and they are stuck with C++. They would welcome tools to represent their resource control well, borrow checking or deny capabilities.
As a current C++ programmer who remembers what GCC 2.95's error messages looked like for even simple templates, I second you - it is less about the intellect, and more about experience and enough domain knowledge. But quite a few like me work on large C++ software that is not in the no-GC no-runtime niche; modules, good abstractions and native compilation would be enough to match or likely beat whatever we are putting together in C++, which doesn't even have modules yet - and the GC-based conveniences would be a big icing on the cake, so D, Nim, Pony all look interesting. (side note ... https://ponylang.io and not https://pony-lang.io as stated earlier)
I definitely think it is needed. I just don't think Rust has solved the paradox that the more you need something specialized the less you can afford the overhead.
Finding hundreds of web developers with some spare time who don't mind learning Rust, can port some of their tooling and use it in some part of their stack isn't going to be much of a problem. The same isn't true if you, say, need an embedded programmer who has worked with zigbee and needs to be in your lab for testing and verification.
Pretty much all major programming languages are where they are as a result of being some kind of "lowest common denominator" for their application. Something like Bash is pretty horrible as a programming language, but extremely accessible for sysadmins. Only now is it changing slightly were things like Python and Go is becoming more popular, but mostly because they are easier than the alternatives.
I have (re-)implemented couple of real-life projects, and each time Rust was much better higher-level language than eg. Java, Python or JS. Borrow checker fights are non-issue in practice: just avoid references, pass messages as copies and when you have to share data use `Arc` and copy on write (or just add `Mutex`).
There's a reason why Rust is most loved PL for 4 years in a row. Once you try it, and get past initial adjustments (mosty: what owns what relationship) everything clicks, and I guarantee that you won't miss GC at all.