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>Any sort of situation that could require you to take control is warned in advance.

And what about false negatives, where something happens but it doesn't warn you?

The fact that comma.ai pulled out of releasing the comma one when the NHTSA asked them some fairly basic questions is a massive red flag. They can't even guarantee that openpilot will detect low slung trailers or motorcycles [1]. If they want to develop and release autonomous cars of any level they should be going through proper procedures and regulations, not just sticking a "for research purposes only" sticker on everything and distancing themselves from any responsibility.

There are far, far too many unknown unknowns when it comes to autonomous vehicles. If you're already forced to keep your eyes on the road, stop being lazy and do everyone around you a favour: grip the steering wheel, keep your feet on the pedals, and focus on the road.

[1] https://opc.ai/faqs/does-openpilot-see-people-animals-motorc...

> If you're already forced to keep your eyes on the road, stop being lazy and do everyone around you a favour: grip the steering wheel, keep your feet on the pedals, and focus on the road.

You do that, and I'll continue enjoying my self driving car.

Until it kills an innocent pedestrian. What are you gonna do then?

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