Hey Samat, I am pretty sure that AWS knows exactly what they're doing. They don't want to lose money by hosting objectionable content, and then lose customers to Aliyun or Russian cloud providers.
They did it not to make blocking in Russia and China easier, but to make their deployment cheaper and faster. Basically with v2 protocol your TCP packets go straight to the server where data is stored without going through one giant proxy. In another words, they do IP routing now instead of HTTP proxying.
I tested that when writing the S3 implementation of a Go key-value wrapper [1] and back then "Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS)" did not support path-style addressing.
If you're looking for a similarly robust and scalable alternative, Google Cloud Storage is accessible via S3 API when enabling that in the bucket's configuration and it supports path-style access (at least back when I tested the different S3-compatible services).