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Chalk of Champions [video] (vimeo.com)
68 points by collapse on May 4, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

I use this in my office (well, the Korean replication that's still sold). I firmly believe that good chalk on an enameled steel chalkboard is far superior to a whiteboard: it always erases cleanly, the ink never runs out, it writes with high contrast, and it's immensely satisfying to write with. The only downside is chalk dust.

By contrast, the cheap chalk the department buys for us is terrible. It squeaks, it snaps, it refuses to erase cleanly. And our conference room whiteboard markers are always dried up and don't write clearly.

I have yet to turn into an illicit chalk dealer, though.

> good chalk on an enameled steel chalkboard

Try a real slate chalkboard sometime. It’s amazing. (But not as easy to slide up and down as the metal versions.)

This feels like part 1 of a 3 part series. In Part 2, we must visit Japan to learn about how it came to be and why it went out of business. And in Part 3, we go to S.Korea. We learn about the company thats producing chalk from the purchased recipe.

The Japanese company went under because the owner was too old to carry on. Nice to see that someone else is taking it up.

That is pretty amazing. He didn't pass it on to anyone... no underlings to continue the effort.

The successor, Umajirushi DC Chalk, is available here from JetPens (San Jose, USA), $1.80 for 6 sticks, or 30¢ per stick (also available in a 72 pack like shown in the video)


“The two well-established chalk makers Umajirushi and Hagoromo worked together to develop this chalk.”

Thinking a six-pack might make a nice no-reason gift, to friends’ kids or my local baker or church who uses a chalkboard, I just placed an order.

One day someone woke up and said "wow, those k cups are an environmental disaster"... I wonder if a similar thing will happen with dry erase markers. As a professor, I go through far more dry erase markers than chalk... When I am done with chalk there is just dust. Not sure if those dry things recycle, but no one I know puts them in the recycle bin.

Also, there are very, very good chalks at jetpens from Japan still being made.

I made loads of drawings with this chalk, it’s all true: https://drawings.rey.sc.jas.life/groups/blackboard

Please make more. These are great :)


Here's an interview with the company's founder: https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Companies/Hagoromo-presiden...

I've considered buying a chalkboard for my home office, does anyone have a good recommendation for what brand to buy?

So, I guess mathematicians hoarding original Hagoromo chalk now have to stop before they write down a theorem on the blackboard and ask themselves: is it chalk-worthy? [0]

[0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUkZdWnBTt0

I can't believe I watched a 5½ minute video to get this joke, but it was worth it. I also learnt about a new contraception method. I love HN.

When I graduated I bought my PhD advisor two boxes. It's great stuff. But beyond how dense and smooth it is, particularly good is the colored chalk. Most colored chalk doesn't erase well. Hagoromo erases completely, easily.

Can someone recommend a good chalkboard to accompany the chalk that you could fit on your lap? Maybe 3 foot by 3 foot?

36" is about the maximum width that can fit, but 24" is about the maximum depth; after that it tips off your lap. For many people 18-22 is realistic.

Something this size: https://m.staples.com/Flipside-Chalk-Board-24-x-36-Black/pro...

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