I've just gone through the process of selecting a new CI/CD provider, and I think GitLab CI is being let down by its tie in to GitLab.
I've heard great things about GitLab CI, but we aren't looking to move our version control and there doesn't seem to be a way to have hosted CI from GitLab without it.
Can I ask where you're hosting your code today? We offer first-class support for external repositories stored on GitHub with GitLab CI/CD for GitHub [1]. In addition, you can do similar CI/CD integration with any git repository by URL as well [2]. We see both of these as "minimal" integrations and we're hoping to add more first-class support for external repositories this yeah - but would love to know what you'd focus on first if you were Product Manager for a day :smile:
I've heard great things about GitLab CI, but we aren't looking to move our version control and there doesn't seem to be a way to have hosted CI from GitLab without it.