It took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to find where the code changes are in the UI. It seems like the actual content of the MR is the most important part and should be up at the top with the title and text description.
I think if I had to summarize my take on Gitlab UI, it would be claustrophobia (sidebars closing in on me) and information overload (what am I looking at or what _should_ I be looking at).
Thanks for taking the time in this interaction! :)
When I look at a Merge Request ( ), the primary thing I do is look straight at the code changes.
It took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to find where the code changes are in the UI. It seems like the actual content of the MR is the most important part and should be up at the top with the title and text description.
I think if I had to summarize my take on Gitlab UI, it would be claustrophobia (sidebars closing in on me) and information overload (what am I looking at or what _should_ I be looking at).
Thanks for taking the time in this interaction! :)