I also use a multivitamin from time to time, but I get some crappy multivitamins from adv formula slimfast, rainbow-lite and both contain fake vitamins (like ascorbic acid). I try to get most of my vitamins from food.
My BP is under control though I would love to stop using BP drugs. In fact, I would like to see legislation around the use of them, i.e., doctors must within 180 days, find the root causes of the abnormal BP and within 360 days, have the person on a program to fix it. BP drugs are bad news and put people at grave risk (as the body fights the effect) which means if you stop taking them, your body fighting the ffect triggers a rebound. It's happened to me twice when the pharmacy was screwing around with my prescription.
Magnesium is 100mg, 3 times a day. It is chelated and bound to a couple amino acids. K2 MK4, 100mcg twice a day. K2 MK7 100mcg twice a day.
The only lab work I've had done was testing for the usual things, cholesterol, triglycerides, checking for h.pylori, etc... I don't think they even do a ldl lipoprotein spectrum graph.
The pain may be related to blood pressure.
Is there any reason you didn't also add a multivitamin? How much D and K? Magnesium? Ever had any lab work done?