> This reads like 850M just went straight to some entity in Panama
No, it was around $1bn, $851m is just what Bitfinex lost access to when the entity spun out the “all the money we were holding for you got seized by various governments so we can't handle your payouts” line.
> "Accord ing to documents prov ided to OAG by Respondents, and based on
statements made by counse l fo r Respondents to OAG attorneys. an individual at Crypto Capi tal
told the senior Bitfinex executive the reason that funds total ing $851 mil lion cou ld not be
returned to Bitfinex was because the funds were seized by governmental authorities in Portugal.
Poland. and the Un ited States. Based on statements made by counsel for Respondents to O/\G
attorneys. Respondents do not believe Crypto Capital's representations that the funds have been
"Missing". Please.
Conveniently, in Panama too.