"Except major performance decrease. Some people cannot afford that."
This was my first reservation about fasting and while everybody is different and you'll need to see how your own body responds, I am happy to report that the following activities:
- mid to long distance runs (4-8 miles)
- 60-90 minute power movement weightlifting session
- routine crossfit workout and/or plyometrics
- BJJ class with 5 minute sparring rounds
... are not only not impacted, but are in many cases enhanced by being in a fasted state. The most positive impact is in my weightlifting workout[1] which, ironically, is the activity I thought would be most negatively impacted.
I can't speak to 50 mile ultra runs and I know I can't do all of the above in a fasted state - but I never attempted to do all of the above on the same day anyway.
Just try it.
[1] Power movements, relatively heavy weights and relatively low reps. Just the kind of workout you'd think would be difficult while in a fasted state.
This was my first reservation about fasting and while everybody is different and you'll need to see how your own body responds, I am happy to report that the following activities:
- mid to long distance runs (4-8 miles) - 60-90 minute power movement weightlifting session - routine crossfit workout and/or plyometrics - BJJ class with 5 minute sparring rounds
... are not only not impacted, but are in many cases enhanced by being in a fasted state. The most positive impact is in my weightlifting workout[1] which, ironically, is the activity I thought would be most negatively impacted.
I can't speak to 50 mile ultra runs and I know I can't do all of the above in a fasted state - but I never attempted to do all of the above on the same day anyway.
Just try it.
[1] Power movements, relatively heavy weights and relatively low reps. Just the kind of workout you'd think would be difficult while in a fasted state.