Of course we can’t, but every Tom, Dick and Harry who can follow a few online tutorials thinks he’s competent to be—take your pick—a software engineer, a data analyst, a machine learning expert, the next Mark Zuckerberg, or almost anything else.
I predict that once we reach peak bad-hire, companies like Triplebyte et al are going to blow up. Given the cognitive nature of work today, you simply can’t afford to hire someone simply because he’s able to answer a few technical questions. Too often, he won’t be able to apply that knowledge.
It will take them a while, but companies will eventually come to understand this.
I predict that once we reach peak bad-hire, companies like Triplebyte et al are going to blow up. Given the cognitive nature of work today, you simply can’t afford to hire someone simply because he’s able to answer a few technical questions. Too often, he won’t be able to apply that knowledge.
It will take them a while, but companies will eventually come to understand this.