Then we need the type of an interpreter which consumes program inputs and produces an output. I'll leave this abstract for now.
data Interpreter = ...
By map, we just mean that we can write a Haskell function with this type
interpret :: Expr -> Interpreter
interpret (Addition a b) = (+) <$> interpret a <*> interpret b
interpret (Multiplication a b) = (*) <$> interpret a <*> interpret b
Well, I'm glad I asked. I get this now. It really is a mapping. But this was a bit of shorthand that I didn't get in the post. You might want to add that.
We can define a data type of expressions in our language, with addition, multiplication, etc.
Then we need the type of an interpreter which consumes program inputs and produces an output. I'll leave this abstract for now. By map, we just mean that we can write a Haskell function with this type If you're curious, here's some real symbolic evaluation code I wrote doing the same