Speaking of special relativity, people learning basic special relativity might find this simple special relativity calculator I made useful [1].
It's fairly primitive. The original intent was that it would be a base to play around with CSS on, and to maybe rewrite using various front end frameworks to learn them, and add features like named variables, showing Minkowski diagrams, cloning rows, and things like that. I never got any time for any of that, so it never got past the very simple stage, but is fine for doing things like figuring out the ladder paradox and things of that ilk when learning about special relativity.
It's fairly primitive. The original intent was that it would be a base to play around with CSS on, and to maybe rewrite using various front end frameworks to learn them, and add features like named variables, showing Minkowski diagrams, cloning rows, and things like that. I never got any time for any of that, so it never got past the very simple stage, but is fine for doing things like figuring out the ladder paradox and things of that ilk when learning about special relativity.
[1] https://github.com/tzs/Physics-special-relativity-calculator