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This post has hit number one on the front page, so I assume I am out of the loop; why is this significant?

For one, this post is more than "I got a job"; there's a lot of words spilled about the evolution of web application platforms.

For another, I've been posting here for ten years. https://news.ycombinator.com/leaders has me at #19. (I'm a fan of patio11's "this is basically an odometer" take on that, of course.) My "I'm leaving Mozilla" post got a lot of attention too, as well as most of my previous job change posts. I know I like hearing about what HN members are up to, and I guess other people do too.

Yeah, you've got enough name recognition here that I saw the headline and my reaction was, "oh, good for him." Same with patio11 joining Stripe. I don't think I'd call HN a community exactly, but there are still people behind the names and it's nice to see positive changes happening for them.

And your post was technically interesting too. I hadn't caught wind of WASI or WASM being run on edge services, so that's given me something to read more about.

I for one welcome your post. Like you said, knowing what fellow HN users are up to is interesting. Especially much so when the person in question (you) have been prominent within something that I care about (Rust), and now you are getting a job at a place where I myself totally would have wanted to work as well (CloudFlare) :)

Wow, 10 years is so long to be posting on HN!

Steve's a very active member of the Rust community and very active on HN as well.

He was one of Mozilla's big rust advocates, and his post about leaving Mozilla was also big on Hacker News. At least, thats how I know who he is.

CF is doing a ton of cutting edge work in the WA work. Rust is a language that is developing first class support for WA. Solomon Hykes, who completely revolutionized serverside with Docker, is saying WA is the next big revolution. This is literally the building ground 0, the powder keg, and it's all pointing to CF getting the jump over all other web companies with WA.

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