Eh, outside of desktop CPUs things have continued to move pretty quickly.
Looking at GPUs, the Voodoo3 came out in 1999 and had a fillrate of around 150 MPixels/sec. Today's GPUs have a fill rate of around 300 times that, which gives an annualized increase of over 30%, for 20 years. This doesn't even consider the fact that GPUs went from highly specialized parts to general purpose compute chips.
Lower power CPUs are also impressive. 20 years ago the state of the art was the DEC/Intel StrongARM. A modern smartphone SOC is around 50x faster than that per watt. If you look at floating point stuff it's more like 1000x faster.
Looking at GPUs, the Voodoo3 came out in 1999 and had a fillrate of around 150 MPixels/sec. Today's GPUs have a fill rate of around 300 times that, which gives an annualized increase of over 30%, for 20 years. This doesn't even consider the fact that GPUs went from highly specialized parts to general purpose compute chips.
Lower power CPUs are also impressive. 20 years ago the state of the art was the DEC/Intel StrongARM. A modern smartphone SOC is around 50x faster than that per watt. If you look at floating point stuff it's more like 1000x faster.