"That said, we understand the password verification option isn't the best way to go about this, so we are going to stop offering it, now that we've been caught."
Facebook always leaves that part out of its responses to these problems.
It wasn’t announced on their News site, and when the press asked about it, their first on the record statement is ‘we’ve coincidentally reached the same conclusion at just this same time and will shut it down sometime’.
I do not give Facebook the benefit of the doubt here, but coincidence is technically possible.
>Caught? They offered the feature directly to users.
Who didn't know any better, nor why it is bad in general and how it can harm them specifically.
So yes, FB was caught; exposed, if you wish. Especially given that they didn't roll out this feature to everyone, including you and me, which would result in immediate disaster.
Facebook always leaves that part out of its responses to these problems.