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Apache web server bug grants root access on shared hosting environments (zdnet.com)
117 points by praveenscience on April 4, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 66 comments

Found this, looks like a more detailed writeup of whats going on. https://cfreal.github.io/carpe-diem-cve-2019-0211-apache-loc...

Probably a stupid question, but are the version #'s mentioned here ( "From version 2.4.17 (Oct 9, 2015) to version 2.4.38 (Apr 1, 2019), Apache HTTP suffers from a local root privilege escalation vulnerability due to an out-of-bounds array access leading to an arbitrary function call." ) the only ones affected, or is it possible earlier versions are affected as well?

Also, I just want to throw out there that the name of this one is great:

"Why the name ? CARPE: stands for CVE-2019-0211 Apache Root Privilege Escalation DIEM: the exploit triggers once a day

I had to."

> but are the version #'s mentioned here ... the only ones affected

Usually when a range like that is given, yes.

> From version 2.4.17 (Oct 9, 2015) to version 2.4.38 (Apr 1, 2019)

This case implies that they know the bug was introduced in a particular change, which went public with version 2.4.17 and was either fixed or otherwise mitigated in 2.4.38.

The only earlier or other versions that I would expect to see affected are dev/alpha/beta branches.

This part is concerning:

> Apache's team has been prompt to respond and patch, and nice as hell. Really good experience. PHP never answered regarding the UAF.

FWIW I reported it to PHPs bugtracker: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=77843

I expect that it'll be fixed, not not handled as a security issue, as it doesn't fit within PHPs model of security vulns.

> This looks like it requires specially crafted code, therefore not a security issue.

I'm not sure how I feel about such a response. Many exploits require odd, but valid code, and more often than not it exists out there.

Also, it feels weird for this to be tagged as a JSON issue?

Basically they don't consider the engineer exploiting the interpreter to be a security vulnerability. That seems a bit dubious, but I can see where they are coming from in treating the script author as a trusted party.

That’s been my experience reporting any kind of bug with the PHP core team. It really is a pain in the neck.

> Because on most Unix systems Apache httpd runs under the root user, any threat actor who has planted a malicious CGI script on an Apache server can use CVE-2019-0211 to take over the underlying system running the Apache httpd process, and inherently control the entire machine.

Maybe I am conflating things or mixing something up, but I was under the impression that it only used root-privileges to obtain access to restricted ports and immediately afterwords lowered its privileges lever to something sane/non-risky.

And if that is how it operates, then this exploit should not be effective.

Is that wrong? Have I been misled?

> Because on most Unix systems Apache httpd runs under the root user

This hasn't been true for what, 10+ years? Apache runs as user www-data on Ubuntu/Debian and as user httpd on Redhat / SUSE based distributions.

You're entirely right, but this is a bit of embellishment on the part of the exploit author (even though it is serious!)

"this is a bit of embellishment on the part of the exploit author"

Apache is saying the same thing.

"In Apache HTTP Server 2.4 releases 2.4.17 to 2.4.38, ...code executing in less-privileged child processes or threads (including scripts executed by an in-process scripting interpreter) could execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the parent process (usually root)"


It actually starts as root, then drops privileges / setuids to www-data.

It runs as wwwrun on SUSE based distros.

Lots of people install from source and just sudo everything because that's all they know.

The vanilla APACHE_RUN_USER/_GROUP is daemon/daemon so they're fine. daemon and nobody are users that by definition have no permissions on the host.

The worker processes that actually do all the rendering run as the user and group you’ve configured. The parent continues as root.

This exploit lets an unprivileged child worker (for example running mod_php on regular shared hosting clients' .php files) hack back into the root parent process and thus escalate from unprivileged to root.

I still don't get it. CGI scripts would run with reduced privileges. The CVE description says "code executing in less-privileged child processes or threads (including scripts executed by an in-process scripting interpreter) could execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the parent process (usually root) by manipulating the scoreboard"

What is the scoreboard?

It’s basically the list the master process keeps of the worker processes it has spun up. The workers can report back some stats that the master tracks about each. Apparently something in that report back process could be exploited to run arbitrary code.

Who on earth doesn't run CGI scripts, etc., as a separate user to the one that their apache workers run as?

While it might not be relevant to this particular issue (though it might, I didn’t dig too deeply), there’s a long standing history of running everything inline with Apache. I mean look at mod_php... sure we’ve all (hopefully) learned our lesson there, but it’s a hell of a hole to dig back out of as long as things keep working.

It’s one of the reasons I’m always suspicious any time I run into a company that runs Apache rather than nginx or one of the many other alternatives. There is absolutely nothing wrong with running Apache, but it always makes me wonder exactly why they are... is it because they’ve got this one app that won’t run on anything else because of crap like this? More often than not...

I think it's been very common for 15 years to use Apache's "suexec" to run each CGI process as the individual user rather than as a user related to Apache.

There's also suPHP which allows you to do the same thing for PHP processes.

Precisely. There's also PHP-FPM. I am astounded that people still rely on mod_php!

Probably most people. Who uses setuid CGI scripts?

You can't really have a setuid "script" anyway. But you can, at the bare minimum, launch CGI scripts via suEXEC. This prevents them from being able to attack the httpd worker processes, since they won't be running as the same user.

Welcome to reality. Please leave your principles at the door, you won't be needing them here.

Would that actually mitigate this problem? It's not clear to me.

A process running as another user won't be able to modify the memory of the apache worker process.

The parent process continues to run as root.

Why is it necessary?

Because, depending on your configured concurrency model, it may need to be able to spawn new processes/threads as other users, and this is not possible unless you have at least one process running with some privileges beyond that of the normal users. This usually means root. Even if not root, it needs to be a user/group privileged enough to be able to impersonate the other users, or it can't do its job.

The code running with greater privilege is kept to a minimum but at least some needs to be there, and this exploit potentially gives a route through to manipulate it.

FastCGI and similar can help here - it can push the creation of user specific processes away from Apache, making it harder to cross the barrier.

Thanks. I never used that feature, nor I ever heard of anyone using it. IMO there should be some configuration option to turn that feature off, which will allow to run all processes as a designated user. Or, if those users could be enumerated at startup, it could spawn one process for each user.

you can't bind to port 80/443 without being root unless you have cap_net_bind_service. so instead of using nat/caps you just spawn as root to bind.

Right, but there's no reason for the parent process to keep root privileges after binding to the privileged ports.

The usual reason for this sort of design is so you can support loading a new configuration without having to restart the whole thing, if the new config might need you to do additional things that require privilege (maybe bind to new low ports, or read key files).

I would expect restart to bind to new ports. It's not something that should be supported on-the fly (it's good thing, of course, but not at expense of keeping root process). Reloading key files is useful, but I think that it could be implemented with other means (e.g. reload program which runs under root, could read those files and pass them via some kind of IPC).

Wouldn't SELinux disallow writing to the cgi folder, unless that attribute were explicitly set?

Almost everywhere I’ve worked ends up turning off Selinux rather than learn how to actually configure/use it properly, which of course is ridiculous when it’s not actually that hard to learn or configure at all generally, but such is the reality of many places it seems.

Yes. Sadly, very few people use it. Even less so in shared hosting environments.

For something this severe, there doesn’t appear to have been coordination with large shared hosting providers to ensure the patch was applied before public disclosure of a PoC. Is there a system in place for this?

It doesn’t effect CentOS 7, which is what most hosting providers run on.

Well, most shared hosting providers are also running cPanel on CentOS 7 and are getting their httpd packages from EasyApache 3/4, not from the CentOS base repo.

cPanel definitely responded to this CVE: https://github.com/CpanelInc/ea-apache2/blob/386800043a02e88...

How do you know it doesn't affect CentOS 7? Please provide a citation for your claim. :)

I'm not the person you're replying to, but:


My guess is because they're on an older version (2.4.6) that isn't affected. But that all depends on what patches have been applied to the RHEL/CentOS version.

You're sure? From what I've experienced, shared hosting is owned by Debian/Devuan and Ubuntu, typically on a Debian-style Apache installation with modular config file directories and enmod/ensite utilties for management.

>> less-privileged Apache child processes (such as CGI scripts) can execute malicious code with the privileges of the parent process.

Vulnerabilities always seem to be related to CGI scripts somehow.

> Vulnerabilities always seem to be related to CGI scripts somehow.

To the contrary, CGIs, running separate per-request processes, are one of the few mainstream mechanisms to create per-request isolates transparent to the host's security infrastructure and process monitoring. You have to go to great lengths to achieve similar isolation if you're starting with eg. FCGI-like multithreaded or evented dispatch in a single process [1].

Perhaps you've get that impression because of the wild west shared hosting scene (made possible by CGIs and isolation in the first place) eg. popular PHP-based packages WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc. Then I'm with you - the security record of these plugin monstrosities is truly in a league of it's own. Just so we're on the same page, the most recent WP wtf involves theme developers DDOSing their competitors (who are reselling their themes) via your site.

[1]: https://github.com/google/sandboxed-api

[2]: https://www.jemjabella.co.uk/2019/security-alert-pipdig-inse...

Something that makes the cgi process not a child of the Apache process wouldn't be subject to this. Like a fcgi process.

I'm surprised FastCGI isn't more popular for that reason. Using PHP as an example, Apache + mod_php executes all code under Apache's user/group. If, instead, you use PHP-FPM, you can lock down the execution environment much more.

PHP-FPM supports an arbitrary number of named pools, each of which may be configured with its own user/group pair. Ideally, each virtual host gets its own pool.


    user = poolowner                                                                                                                                          
    group = poolgroup                                                                                                                                         
    listen = /run/php/php7.2-fpm-poolname.sock                                                                                                                 
    listen.owner = www-data                                                                                                                                       
    listen.group = www-data   

> I'm surprised FastCGI isn't more popular for that reason.

FastCGI is more faf to configure where mod_php is more likely to be configured out of the box. Most shared hosting environment are configured entirely out-of-the-box as the market is so saturated and margins so low there is no way to justify anything else. Potential customers who care much about security will most likely be looking for their own dedicated server or VM instead so there isn't really much of a market for a more secure shared host.

Also if packing as many users as possible into as little hardware as possible, which is the only way to make any margin in shared hosting these days, you'll find mod_php more efficient by this measure. You don't have a pool of processes that only specific users can take advantage of, taking up an amount of RAM (however small) each even when not actively in use.

So FastCGI tends to be used less. When I ran PHP I used it, usually as you suggest one pool per vhost, but I was only hosting my own projects and some bits for friends & family, so I didn't need to justify the setup effort against any "bottom line".

I've noticed the opposite.

More people are starting to realize that FastCGI is one of the keys to good and consistent performance (as much as PHP will allow, anyway) and are recognizing that mod_php for the disaster that it is.

So now more and more popular environments support it - cPanel gained native PHP-FPM support, and commercial shared web hosts are mostly using Litespeed (drop-in replacement for Apache httpd that is evented and invented its own FCGI-like called "LSAPI").

Not sure if I totally agree with mod_php being more efficient for a greedy host either - attaching the PHP runtime to the threaded/forked httpd request handler is very expensive.

You can set the per-pool minimum worker size to 0 with FCGI with a short keepalive, which allows you to keep a low average per-tenant memory footprint, but better performance when many requests arrive at once. That's also basically what Litespeed does.

"one of the keys to good and consistent performance (as much as PHP will allow, anyway)"

I've found that caching any results of logic that's repeated per request makes PHP pretty damn fast. I use apcu, it saves state with an mmap backed cache.

Who's still using Apache?

Ugh, seriously. I mean, who wants a stable http daemon that's well supported, well documented, and well understood by a giant community of users? Sounds boring to me...

I use it. On purpose. It's a good general purpose web server and does a good job.

It's also copiously documented and extremely well-understood. There will always be bugs in software but you can usually fix problems quickly, there's few surprises or gotchas. I trust it.

Two million servers, according to Rapid7: https://blog.rapid7.com/2019/04/03/apache-http-server-privil...

40% of web?

"Apache is used by 43.8% of all the websites whose web server we know." according to https://w3techs.com/technologies/details/ws-apache/all/all

I would venture a guess and say it's largely because all the shared hosting providers use it. Less and less people actually choose it given a choice.

Yeah sorry, I meant on purpose.

Most shared hostings still use Apache for compatibility with .htaccess and rubbish like that.

Rubbish? You mean like keeping the web working and making sure URLs never die? Not everything needs to be upgraded to the latest hot thing. HTTPD is proven & stable; this is a rare bug.

For example with RHEL you have apache in base repository, but for nginx you must either add unsupported epel or nginx own repositories. If you want commercial support from RHEL, but you don't want to buy another commercial support fro Nginx, you have to use apache httpd.

That's not true, Red Hat actually has nginx in its Software Collections: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_softwa...

I am. It is extremely fit for purpose. What do you think is wrong with it?

Me. Why shouldn't I?

Haven't you heard, Apache isn't Web Scale.

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