Printer’s cyan is a color in the vicinity of #00A2CC, which is not at all close to #55FFFF.
Using the name “cyan” for the latter is very confusing. I would strongly advise against it.
If you want you can use names like “bluish green”, “greenish blue”, or “blue–green” to stay out of trouble.
If you have a blue–green color, maybe slightly on the greenish side, “teal” is a pretty safe name: people won’t misinterpret what you mean. The name “teal” can represent a quite large generic range of colors.
Using the name “cyan” for the latter is very confusing. I would strongly advise against it.
If you want you can use names like “bluish green”, “greenish blue”, or “blue–green” to stay out of trouble.
If you have a blue–green color, maybe slightly on the greenish side, “teal” is a pretty safe name: people won’t misinterpret what you mean. The name “teal” can represent a quite large generic range of colors.