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While on the face of it it may qualify as a 'Geek's guide', there seems to be a fair amount of woo.

"It is estimated that 70% of the population is lactose intolerant (dairy). 33% have yeast sensitivity. 15% have gluten sensitivity (wheat). And 35% have fructose or sugar sensitivity."

Really? Any references to back that up?

"Some raw-foodists say they need less sleep on a raw food diet compared to a cooked food diet."

Again no evidence, or references. And they would say that wouldn't they?

One source he does link to (on the page the above quote comes from) is Stanley Bass, a proponent of Natural Hygiene, and Orthopathy - very much in the realms of alternative medicine (if you look at the website linked to - http://www.drbass.com/, it is obvious quackery,and an assault on the eyes).

At least for the lactose intolerance, it completely depends on the population. It's fairly well known (and studied) that Asian populations have much much higher rates of lactose intolerance (thus the love of soy milk). The wiki article on lactose intolerance puts 75% of the global adult population at some degree of lactose intolerance.

Of course, if the majority of the people you know are white (European), then of course 70% looks fudged.

It's likely the same for many of the other stats, though I can't say.

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