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The original poster specifically mentioned plastic bottles, which, I imagine, are hard to make from paper.

Refillable glass allows for exactly the kind of cross contamination that makes otherwise safe products inedible.

I've started to see boxes of water. They look like milk cartons.

Those are not at all better. They're mixed materials. Much harder to "recycle," in practice even if collected, usually just burned.

Not-recycled paper is an improvement over not-recycled plastic. The coating I don't know.

Problem is, it's not paper.

It's called [Tetra pack][1], and contains both paper, plastic and metal. Physical separation is virtually impossible (at scale), chemical separation is very environment-unfriendly.

Unfortunately in Switzerland it is dumped to trash; in Easter-Europe it is collected for separation though.

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetra_Pak

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