I’m not even going to touch “sincere” given his now documented history of lying outright, but non-corporate? Huh? How many corporations do you need to run before you’re corporate?
Just like you can have a solo “entrepreneur” who doesn’t actually have any revenue but acts “corporate” in a suit talking about his synergistic strategic partnerships, you can have the opposite.
It's more of a unorganized ADHD filled stutter delivered to Tesla fans. I am not discounting how smart he is to make the $ he made, but his skill level in public speaking is very low.
It gets the job done. Perhaps it would be nice if his delivery was as slick as Steve Jobs, but I think it's disputable whether him being a better speaker would have any practical benefit to the company. Would it have any effect on Telsa product sales?
My problem with his delivery wasn't the stuttering—I doubt most of us could speak any better than him in public—it was him interacting with randoms shouting in the crowd. It's cute once or twice but you couldn't hear what was being yelled so Elon's responses were often devoid of context.
He also has the humor of a 6th grader. He is able to accomplish a lot of impressive things, but his humor almost makes it painful to watch one of these presentation or follow him on Twitter.