Why is nobody talking about the convicted felon, Omar Dhanani aka Michael Patryn, who is a co-founder and majority shareholder of Quadriga?
Dhanani is very much alive, and is known to have been involved in money laundering schemes. If I were an investigator in this case, that is the first door I would go knocking at.
Not only that but Michael Patryn turned out to be MikeXBT a known frequent poster on /r/bitcoinmarkets often bragging about and showing proof of his big market moving trades on Bitmex...likely with QuadrigaCX customers' money. It's like something from a movie.
I get the tech around crypto is interesting, but if your whole space is inhabited with such people, isn't it time for you to wonder if something's wrong?
Unregulated financial markets draw crooks like moths to a flame. Forex used to be just as bad.
I wonder if there's anything to be learned from this? Perhaps deregulating markets driven by greed, margin, and leverage is a bad idea? LeT tHe FrEe mArKeT DeciDe?
Dhanani is very much alive, and is known to have been involved in money laundering schemes. If I were an investigator in this case, that is the first door I would go knocking at.