I'm mostly used to Capybara / Selenium (mostly chromedriver) and have a reasonable level of Javascript/Node but I'm really not sure how I would use this project beyond the setup of having the different browsers running, am I supposed to load those config with WebdriverIO using `remote`?
Hey aboutruby,
the way to use this project is the following:
1. Checkout the repo
2. Follow the README to setup the different browsers
3. Run the tests against the included sample app
4. Replace the sample app with your own app.
That last part depends very much on your own app.
It's easiest if your own app can already be run via docker-compose, then you would simply replace the example container with your own container set.
Otherwise you could point the baseUrl in the wdio.conf file to your host machine (e.g. using `host.docker.internal`) and run your app on your host.