Reading this on mobile, and there is a huge ad for Belvedere Vodka. Just like the "Fuck Cancer" movement, it's time we had a "Fuck Alcohol" movement. I'm hoping with cannabis gaining more and more support throughout the US that we see a drop-off in alcohol consumption. It may take a generation or two, but I think it's time to drop this poison as a society.
R.I.P. and so sorry to hear that his young daughter will not get to know her father.
I get high from cannabis about once a week, so I’m not a tee-totaler. But weed is no substitute for alcohol if you’re concerned about addiction. The main reason that I used to drink to excess was to drown my anxiety / depression. I had a wake up call a few years ago and now only drink or get high on weekends... but what I’ve learned since then is it’s much better to treat your mental health problems with mindfulness and meditation (or even a therapist).
I'm not saying it is a substitute for alcohol, but I will take someone addicted psychologically to weed over someone psychologically and physically addicted to alcohol any day of the week.
I can't even count of both hands the number of people I grew up with that cannabis has completely wasted away their life. Remember, in the era of dabs and edibles, recreational dosage is massively higher than it was in the past. It does do real damage.
Please be mindful of spreading the belief that it is harmless. I certainly do not think it as dangerous as many drugs, but it certainly ruins, and will ruin, millions of lives.
I'm not spreading that it is harmless, but I have a hard time believing that it ruins more lives than alcohol, which is what my comment is centered on. I am happy to be proven wrong if you have some stats that show differently. Again, I'm not saying it does no harm, only that it does less harm than alcohol, and that alcohol use is more widely accepted and even promoted.
There was no suggestion of a return to prohibition, just an increased societal resistance to alcohol’s pernicious effects.
I live in Australia, which has never had prohibition, but like the UK, our drinking culture is probably as bad or worse than the U.S.
I should know; I was an excessive drinker from my late teens to my early 30s, and it could have turned out very badly had I not taken abrupt action when I did.
I took two full years off drinking from age 33, and adopted techniques to develop emotional health that I continue using to this day, and these days I can enjoy alcohol in moderation and have no ill-effects.
There's an Australian organisation called Hello Sunday Morning [1] that supports people trying to adopt a healthier relationship with alcohol, just as I did.
They have no agenda to prohibit or restrict people's ability to buy/use alcohol; they simply offer methods and support services to help people to cease their dangerous use of alcohol.
R.I.P. and so sorry to hear that his young daughter will not get to know her father.