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Examples of "vulnerability" reports I've received:

- Dump of CVEs for "Web App X" or "Server X", even though literally zero of them apply to the version that I'm currently running.

- Dumps of port scans with warnings like "Running SSH on port 22 is not recommended" and "Server accepts HTTP. Always use HTTPS".

I assume there are tools that generate these reports because the reports use decent English but the accompanying emails are written in very broken English.

I miss the days when nessus was good enough to justify being cool.

Then again my favorite bug back in the day was veritas backup acting as a reverse shell. I only learned of that by running nessus.

What's the justification for running a host that responds to HTTP and doesn't immediately upgrade to HTTPS?

I'm having a hard time imagining a scenario where I manage a web server that is accessible to anonymous people running pen scanners on it that has a justifiable reason for broadcasting port 80.

No that's the point, the generation script recognizes that the server issues an HTTP-compliant response (which 301 Moved Permanently is) on port 80 and dumbly generates that false-positive, not understanding that the only responses on port 80 are to upgrade to HTTPS.

Oh, that makes sense. That does sound annoying.

If you connect remote communities with poor bandwidth http allows a shared cache behind the bandwidth bottleneck. And other caching scenarios.

Could you elaborate on this? I'm curious as to how a setup like this would work in practice. Many people in my family live in rural areas so the topic of restricted bandwidth/poor connection quality is of great interest to me.


“But there I stood anyway, hoping my requests to load simple web pages would bear fruit, and I could continue teaching basic web principles to a group of vocational students. Because Wikipedia wouldn’t cache. Google wouldn’t cache. Meyerweb wouldn’t cache. Almost nothing would cache. Why? HTTPS.”

Thanks for the excellent link, discussed on HN a while ago [1]. For those that think an sslstriping proxy would solve it please remember that this would degrade the security for requests that really have to be encrypted.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17707187

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