This is only true, firstly, when what you're trying to represent can be accurately, completely, and most concisely represented by plain text. That's actually a fairly narrow range, unless you're a programmer. And secondly, it's only true when you're not interested in using common interface conventions to teach your users how to use your program. While that can certainly be done -- the -? and --help parameters spring to mind -- it's much easier when there are UI guidelines [0] that everybody sticks to simply by virtue of how GUIs tend to work (i.e., there are existing common libraries to describe the interface in predictable ways).
If everything you do deals with text (i.e., you're a programmer), and you never or rarely need to use unknown programs, then the terminal is great.
Think about it this way. Exactly what have you had to do to learn how to use web pages? Like, since the 90s when Mosaic would still render most websites. You haven't. It's point, click, scroll, and type. That user interface has worked, essentially unchanged, for nearly 30 years. You've gone to brand new websites, potentially written by people who don't speak your language, and you've been able to use the site because there's a shared convention that everybody uses. And everybody does use it. There are 4.2 billion users of the world wide web [1], and the interface works for essentially everyone. That's an extremely impressive feat for interface design.
Meanwhile, nearly 50 years after vi was first introduced, it's still notoriously difficult to learn -- even the basics. You might argue that programming is more complicated than browsing the web, but realistically, editing a text document is about as basic a task that you can have on a computer.
It's common to think that the goal of UI design is always about being as intuitive as possible, to minimize potential learning curves until they're basically non-existent. I don't think that's the only worthy goal, though.
Intuitiveness and power are often opposing goals. You often see a way to make an interface more powerful, let the user work more effectively and/or efficiently, at the cost of intuitiveness and having to increase a learning curve.
In your last paragraph, I feel you mean to imply that vi failed in its UI design, but I think it's one of if not THE best UI design I've ever come across. There was a learning curve, yes, but I don't care, it was well worth it given how much it's improved my efficiency of anything text-related in my work. The cherry on top is that shells and any readline-based REPLs implement vi keybindings, so learning how to use its UI has become tremendous leverage, since this means that vi-keybindings become the new main text-editing UI convention system-wide.
I don't understand your point about the web-browser. You say how great it is that its UI has not changed much (although I think it has) in so many years, then you say how bad it is that vi's UI has not changed much in so many years. Also, web-browsing is mostly about text, so I can't see it being much of a contrast with your earlier point about terminals being better for text things.
About having conventions, CLIs probably have more conventions than GUIs, so I don't really get that point either. It's not just about --help, the concept of options, of long ones, and short ones, and them having arguments and all that are conventions. vi and emacs keybindings in many CLI programs are also conventions. If having conventions is great, I think CLI has GUI beat.
I largely agree with your post, but disagree with the idea that intuitiveness and power are often opposing.
I believe that intuitiveness always helps with power. It’s just that the audience when defining intuitiveness shouldn’t only be limited to newbies. Unfortunately, we seem to conflate “intuitiveness” with “intuitiveness for newbies”. However, if you’re creating new power features, those features will always be better served if they are more intuitive for the intended users, I.e. power users. (conversely, they will be worse off for power users if they are designed to be intuitive to newbies).
You're correct, and the world would be much better place if UX design was conscious of that distinction. That said, I think GP was talking strictly about "intuitiveness for newbies" being opposed to power. Unfortunately, even modern developer tools are being designed as "intuitive for newbies".
I think a good example of intuitiveness aiding power would be shortcuts in Vim vs. Emacs. In Vim, shortcuts are created as a grammar, and they're to a great extent consistent. They tend to form "verb modifier(s) object" combinations, and each of the components can be learned separately[0]. Whereas in Emacs, there are bunch of conventions, but beyond that, shortcuts tend to have a form "modifier verb-phrase", with "verb-phrase" mapping directly to some command. This results in much less consistent - and thus much less intuitive - set of keybindings.
For me, intuitiveness is defined by how quickly a new user (i.e. a newbie) can start using something. You say,
> Unfortunately, we seem to conflate “intuitiveness” with “intuitiveness for newbies”.
I either can't think of another kind of "intuitiveness" or we have different ideas of what constitutes a "newbie".
> However, if you’re creating new power features, those features will always be better served if they are more intuitive for the intended users, I.e. power users. (conversely, they will be worse off for power users if they are designed to be intuitive to newbies).
Ok, yeah we have different ideas of what's a "newbie", and apparently what's a "power user". I think your definitions depend on how much experience they have with computers in general. Actually, no. I think it depends on what kind of programs a user has experience with. Like users of GUI are newbies and users of CLI are power-users. That's the only way making something intuitive for power users makes sense. After all, making something intuitive is about following existing conventions, so we're differentiating "newbies" vs "power-users" based on the conventions they follow. Sorry, if I misunderstood you here.
For me, "newbie" and "power user" do not imply anything about their experience with other related systems, only with the system that is the object of conversation. In that respect, by definition, you can't make something intuitive for power users. Every person on first touching a system (a software program or otherwise) is a newbie, regardless if that newbie is not a newbie anymore in another system.
A "power user", for me, is someone willing to accept a learning curve to best do whatever a system is designed to do. That basically means someone that is willing to read a manual of what he uses, though they can also do other things like practicing and reading the source.
So, on first touching a piece of software, everyone is a newbie, and some become power-users.
Designing for intuitiveness vs power is about favoring those that wouldn't be willing to study a little and become power-users vs those that would.
When I say that, I don't mean that power will always come at the cost of intuitiveness, but I do mean that some design decisions could be made that favor power at the cost of intuitiveness.
An example of this is vi's modal editing and its normal mode language. If you put someone that's never touched a computer before in front of 2 computers, one with Windows's notepad and the other with vi, with no documentation whatsoever of either, which will he be able to use most effectively first? notepad. The user just needs to press any letter key and he'll see the characters appear on screen. He'll be writing paragraphs in seconds (if his lack of touchtyping ability wasn't an issue). In this respect, vi's modal editing is not intuitive. It's a cost vi paid for implementing a mode that allowed a whole keyboard's worth of buttons to communicate to vi different editing and navigation procedures most efficiently.
> I believe that intuitiveness always helps with power.
With the context of the above, getting rid of normal mode would make vi more intuitive, but it would certainly not help with power.
> This is only true, firstly, when what you're trying to represent can be accurately, completely, and most concisely represented by plain text. That's actually a fairly narrow range, unless you're a programmer.
You would be surprised. I encourage you to visit the lands of Emacs at some time. The reason Emacs feels like an OS is because it turns out that quite a lot of tasks can be accurately, completely and concisely represented as text on a 2D grid, and doing so enables interoperability features that are close to impossible to achieve with GUIs.
> And secondly, it's only true when you're not interested in using common interface conventions to teach your users how to use your program.
Well, the difference between a tool and an educational toy is that the former is optimized for productivity, not ease of learning. I'm not saying that productive interfaces need to require a PhD to use; there are ways to make user-friendly advanced UIs - but reducing functionality for the sake of just easing the learning curve is optimizing for popularity, not utility.
> it's much easier when there are UI guidelines [0] that everybody sticks to simply by virtue of how GUIs tend to work (i.e., there are existing common libraries to describe the interface in predictable ways).
Which no one gives a flying fuck about these days, because everything is web driven now, and the no.1 rule of webapps is that everyone invents their own variations of GUI, inconsistent with every other variation, and lacking any interoperability.
> Exactly what have you had to do to learn how to use web pages? Like, since the 90s when Mosaic would still render most websites. You haven't. It's point, click, scroll, and type.
I think you're confusing lack of functionality with lack of learning need. You have to learn to operate almost every website anew. There's just so little you can do on a modern website with modern browser, that it doesn't feel like a chore. Scroll, point, click. Oh, "weather forecast", click. Select city. Click. Select date. Click. They're not even optimized for consumption - just for ad exposure. Your typical experience with CLI/TUI is with tools optimized for providing value to the user. You may need to spend some more time up front figuring things out, but as a reward, you get much faster repeated access, better data, better control over format, _only_ data you need and zero noise. Is this for everyone? No. You do something once every year, point&click is fine. Stuff you do regularly? Web is wasting your life.
> You've gone to brand new websites, potentially written by people who don't speak your language, and you've been able to use the site because there's a shared convention that everybody uses.
That shared convention - "use mouse to click on stuff" - is about as deep as the convention of "pressing buttons on keyboard types letters in". It doesn't make you comprehend websites. It only limits the scope of your initial confusion to "I don't need a keyboard for this (unless there are forms)".
> nearly 50 years after vi was first introduced, it's still notoriously difficult to learn
It's not difficult. It's just people have been trained to have a strong aversion to learning, where it comes to computers. Everything must be easier to use than your hair dryer, or it's garbage.
To anyone who believes this, that vim is hard to learn: I ask you to do this challenge. Fire up vimtutor, spend 10 minutes on it, report back whether it's still hard.
I may sound confrontational here, but it's really just out of care. Truth be told, love of GUIs and the web, and allergy to CLI and TUIs is just reducing your own power in using computers. If one has better things to do, that's fair. But if one's spending a lot of time doing stuff on a computer, it's worth learning to do it well.
> To anyone who believes this, that vim is hard to learn: I ask you to do this challenge. Fire up vimtutor, spend 10 minutes on it, report back whether it's still hard.
I'm learning right now - as in, I started on Sunday. It's not hard to learn, but it's hard to use effectively. I could edit code twice as fast if I reverted to my standard keybindings, but I'm waiting for muscle memory to build.
Learning isn't hard, but building muscle memory is a tonne of work. It's like learning to touch type all over again.
Yes, the more your resist that urge, the faster that muscle memory will develop. It's even faster if you take a second to think of the most keyboard efficient way to do things with vi-keybindings and doing that, resisting the urge to use simpler keybindings. For example, `a` instead of `li`, or `A` instead of `lllllllllllla`.
Another important point is that one should never try to move around in INSERT mode. If you do, you're limiting yourself to moving around with the arrow keys and also are grouping multiple edits that you may want to undo piece by piece with u. If you need to move around, change to NORMAL mode and then move.
Yes, it's normal to hit Escape a lot. Personally, I like to have CapsLock act as Escape with `setxkbmap -option caps:escape`. If I ever really want to write something in all caps, it's always seemed faster to hold Shift with my left pinky.
> It's like learning to touch type all over again.
A very apt way to put it. Touch typing is like learning a language for your fingers. You do it once for your language (e.g. English), and now you're doing it for vi NORMAL mode, which is basically a language for text editing and navigation.
Like TeMPOraL said though, if you feel the frustration getting to you, you can just relax however much you want, and take things at the pace most comfortable to you.
> Learning isn't hard, but building muscle memory is a tonne of work. It's like learning to touch type all over again.
Muscle memory does take time to build up, but it goes much faster if you don't try to take on too much at the same time. Just focus on small pieces at a time. Spend 30 minutes fully focused on basic semantic navigation (forward/backward by letter, word, paragraph, expression; up/down by line, page). Spend another 30 minutes on navigating via incremental search (an extremely useful trick, it can easily replace half of your navigation). Etc.
(This is my tried&true method I used to master various tricks in Emacs.)
Also relax, and notice that half your frustration comes from the fact that you already know another set of conventions, and it's tempting to just stick to it. But the new one will get easier very quickly :).
You'll get there. I'm at the point where my accidental nano sessions look like jkjkdd:q! because I can't remember how to exit it and I can't stand navigating an editor with arrow keys anymore.
> It's not difficult. It's just people have been trained to have a strong aversion to learning, where it comes to computers. Everything must be easier to use than your hair dryer, or it's garbage.
Damn right! It's crazy how much people are against learning even a little bit.
I don't know if it's either that greater adoption of computers is exposing this, or if people have actually become less willing to learn, maybe because of what they call "information overload" from consuming so much more information day-by-day through the web.
This is only true, firstly, when what you're trying to represent can be accurately, completely, and most concisely represented by plain text. That's actually a fairly narrow range, unless you're a programmer. And secondly, it's only true when you're not interested in using common interface conventions to teach your users how to use your program. While that can certainly be done -- the -? and --help parameters spring to mind -- it's much easier when there are UI guidelines [0] that everybody sticks to simply by virtue of how GUIs tend to work (i.e., there are existing common libraries to describe the interface in predictable ways).
If everything you do deals with text (i.e., you're a programmer), and you never or rarely need to use unknown programs, then the terminal is great.
Think about it this way. Exactly what have you had to do to learn how to use web pages? Like, since the 90s when Mosaic would still render most websites. You haven't. It's point, click, scroll, and type. That user interface has worked, essentially unchanged, for nearly 30 years. You've gone to brand new websites, potentially written by people who don't speak your language, and you've been able to use the site because there's a shared convention that everybody uses. And everybody does use it. There are 4.2 billion users of the world wide web [1], and the interface works for essentially everyone. That's an extremely impressive feat for interface design.
Meanwhile, nearly 50 years after vi was first introduced, it's still notoriously difficult to learn -- even the basics. You might argue that programming is more complicated than browsing the web, but realistically, editing a text document is about as basic a task that you can have on a computer.
[0]: [1]: