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It is the law in France - as it is with most countries - that some forms of speech and expression are not tolerated and companies must not provide a platform for them.

Extremism on both the left and the right isn't tolerated. Nazism, Antisemitism, etc. all fall into the same bucket.

France - where Liberapay is based - notoriously has the "Burka Ban", preventing women from covering their faces in public. In the UK "incitement to violence" is illegal, as are certain forms of protest and speech, and it is infamously severe when it comes to libel/slander law. Germany has outlawed many forms of right-wing nationalism in fear of fuelling neo-Nazis.

Policing speech is inherently European. In some ways, it's why the United States exists, and one of the key differences in creed between European and American attitudes.

Typically European attitudes around this veer towards "tragedy of the commons" arguments relating to violence, incitement to violence and discrimination.

Attitudes are much, much more liberal in relation to showing and exhibiting nudity and it does not automatically equate that seeing breasts/genitals means content is sexual as it often does in the US.

TL;DR: they're going to police speech, probably differently to others, but it will be policed. Nudity/(consenting adult) sexual content is more likely to get a pass more so than US companies would allow, but discrimination and non-centrist politics less likely.

> Nudity/(consenting adult) sexual content is more likely to get a pass more so than US companies would allow

Unfortunately, Liberapay is beholden to its payment processors, which tend to ban sexual content; they're currently using Stripe, which bans quite a bit of stuff: https://stripe.com/us/restricted-businesses

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