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Ruby already does this. Modules can include other modules, support public/protected/private members, and have aliasing and conflict resolution (last one included wins)

> (last one included wins) This is why Ruby doesn't do this.

One of the primary purposes of traits is to fix the problem of having to linearize mixins/parents. Aliasing does ease the problems of linearization, but it doesn't solve them all.

If in a mixin-based system like Ruby you include two modules which initially have no conflicting methods, but at some point methods are added such that there is a conflict, the conflict is silently ignored.

Yes, you should pay attention to changes to the mixins you use, but linearization means that whenever a method is added to a mixin, being certain that your module/class has the right method means going through every single class that uses the mixin and looking at all the other mixins that class uses to ensure that they do not conflict. Traits make changing code easier by doing that checking for you. The one disadvantage is that if you want to ignore a conflict you have to say so, but I don't actually think that is a disadvantage: if a Ruby module says "include Foo, Bar" and both Foo and Bar have an explode method, someone reading the code can't tell if the writer of the code was aware of the two explode methods and chose to use the Bar method, or if they were unaware of the conflict and might have either wanted no explode method or the Foo explode method.

While you're right about that point, there is a reason why conflicts are allowed: inheritance chain ([1] for demo) which provides you a VERY powerful tool for chain-combining traits.

[1] http://www.dcmanges.com/blog/20

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