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I have a serious question:

For those of you that like podcasts, did your usage go way down (or even stop) when you got married?

I listened to them all the time back in the day, but mostly because they were tech oriented. For husband / wife activities only video/youtube/netflix seem to work.

Is there any notion that Podcasts are better for people not in relationship thing? I mean you have to either play it for the house or listen on your headphones and it just doesn't make sense to try to tune out the wife for multiple hours.

Also my favorite podcast, Java Posse is done anyway. It's weird to actually hear someone calling this the golden age when it was, for me, 10 years ago of listening to them non-stop.

I've been listening to podcasts for something like 15 years, since early days of TWiT & Java Posse, but I think my usage has remained the same over that time when I've been in long term relationships.

My current partner and I will listen to more 'general' podcasts when we are both in the car - so things like This American Life, Akimbo, Heavyweight, How I Built This, or Dan Carlin's HH and Common Sense.

When I'm driving or walking around solo, I'll listen to more tech / niche things. Podcasts like the Accidental Tech Podcast, Ruby / React / startup type things, etc.

There is honestly so much good content out there that my 'to-listen' queues in Overcast are overflowing for both types of listening.

Not married, but in a long-term relationship living with my partner. I listen to them while commuting to work or while doing household chores, and consistently get through 4+ hours/week of podcasts.

I don't find my listening habits change that much when I'm alone, as either way I tend to only listen to them while I'm engaged in some other activity. (When I have completely free time I prefer more interactive activities like games or music.)

99% of my podcast listening is done with my spouse. We've been together 10 years, she got into podcasts a couple of years ago as an alternative to broadcast TV. I would catch snippets of her podcast playlist when she was cooking or otherwise doing something while listening via a speaker rather than headphones. Since I was interested in some of the subjects that came up, I asked to listen to them with her.

We often listen during dinner together, pause to discuss when we hear something we want to talk about, and generally approach it as a group activity.

We started with The Dollop together, but I've soured on that lately because it's become depressing rather than interesting (at least to me). We listen to Sinisterhood (true crime, weird stuff, conspiracies, ghost stories etc), My Favourite Murder minisodes (true crime and user stories that all seem pretty made up), This Podcast Will Kill You (diseases discussed by doctorate students), No Such Thing As A Fish (facts from the people who research for QI), Infinite Monkey Cage (science stuff), etc etc. It's fun, we get to laugh (as most of our stuff has an undercurrent of humour and flippant discussion), and we get to learn stuff too.

Not married but live with my partner for almost 3 years. I listen to podcasts with headphones on at work especially when doing chores. No complaints, though I'm also not doing it 24/7. I've never thought of podcasts as something to do with someone else . Guess it depends on your relationship?

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