That thing clocks a 400MHz out of the box and has coprocessors .. I'd also guess that risc-v isa is more performant than esp32's one (super wild guess). Let's say it sits in the middle :)
There are Fedora and FreeBSD builds for RISC-V. This particular item seems to have only 8MB though, so not really in (most people's) "computer" realm. ;)
RISC-V has a base ISA and many extensions, several of which are virtually required to run a "real" OS with features such as virtual memory. Every build of Linux I've seen for RISC-V is for an RVGC processor with an additional privileged mode.
Theoretically it should be possible to run "Linux" on a glorified microcontroller like the OP with μClinux, but I haven't seen that used for "real" work. It certainly couldn't be used as a general purpose OS.
In my opinion the line to draw is support for a privileged mode/protection rings/memory protection. Anything without that can run μClinux at best, which isn't much better than an RTOS. Without process isolation an operating system isn't very "general purpose."