I'd highly recommend the FreeCodeCamp curriculum for learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I found it very helpful when learning to code, and the curriculum gives you an easy way to direct and organize your learning.
I worked through the majority of it when learning to code (didn't finish all of the "certifications" as I ended up finding a job). Happy to answer any questions about it as well.
I will strongly suggest freecodecamp as well. Try to complete it without looking for solutions on Stack.
Alternatively, if you're looking for employment and you're in the countries where Lambda School[0] operates, that's a really great option for you to explore.
A lot of suggestions here I agree with and I would specify HTML first, then CSS, then JS would be my prescribed order, and only vanilla/standard of those - no frameworks.
The reason is you need to understand the markup on a web page with HTML before you can alter its look/feel via CSS and before you start altering either via Javascript.
Frameworks will come and go over time, if you know the foundational aspects of what the frameworks are doing it will be easier to pick up the next framework that becomes popular.
Check out the book Head First HTML and CSS. It gives you a great foundation and is interesting to follow along the way.
Get a basic hosting account, register a domain, learn how to setup a website use FTP.
Next go through the book Head First PHP and MySQL, it will give you a basic foundation in forms and databases.
After that go through Headfirst Javascript, then Headfirst jQuery.
Signup for a github account, checkout ways to deploy websites without FTP, explore Vue and React.
At that point you could start learning frameworks like Rails, Laravel if you want to create web applications. Pick out something you need/would use, it will make it more interesting.
Start with HTML for sure. IMO, just a bit of CSS unless you are pretty good at designs because CSS will cause pain soon.
During learning HTML, learn those <form>, <input>, <submit> once you think "so what's next?" with normal presentation. This will lead to "Web Application" once you're comfortable with "Web site" development.
Learn basic backend stuff (the server where it responses requests from browser e.g. Chrome, Firefox). Ruby on Rails is the right framework for many reasons (developer friendly (short-term at least!, more jobs in the market etc)
The first thing you will learn on backend is likely a simple "blog" application. After that I think you're good at learn how to learn.
I read your comment on this thread, so you want to be a frontend developer!? God bless you! I don't encourage new comers to fall into React for good reasons..
As for programming language I would say Javascript.
However, web development is more than programming because it requires document structuring (HTML), document styling (CSS) and document dynamics (JS). All three are used to produce websites. JS is the elephant but learning styling and structure will help you a lot (I know many developers who are weak when it comes to CSS).
Most simple stuff can be done from the hard drive on your computer but at some point I would suggest learning how to use a SVN, develop for mobile/tablets, serve from localhost and build javascript. I would also encourage setting up a VM down the road to learn how to deploy your website to a server (as well as learning basic security/ssh/linux cl) so you'll be familiar with the process and not create vulnerabilities because your aren't a back-end guy. I could go on and on but that would be some of the easiest stuff for you to learn.
You don't even need to bother with frameworks or libraries, although you probably will for professional development. But just to learn, all you need is a text editor.
I don't think this is a very productive pathway, and it will take a long time. Rust and Assembly is also probably a poor choice for somebody who is starting to learn web dev, and an especially poor choice to learn before flexbox.
I would say: 1. HTML 2. CSS 3. Flexbox & Bootstrap 4. Javascript 5. React
I disagree, Rust and WebAssembly are both two things that are growing quickly and taking advantage of that right now would be a good idea (Since they can both be used together in Web development) and I was just giving him a list of things he should learn as a web developer in general. He can go at his own speed and learn each language and frameworkwhen he wants to at his own pace but it's not a bad idea at all to learn all of that.
Rust + WebAssembly may be a little more difficult but they're both languages that are growing very fast and being able to take advantage of that now before they get bigger then they already are is a great idea long-term. It may take a while but is it better to learn something fast or well?
Neither one is foundational to web development. If you were to push most beginners to Rust, they'd likely quit before ever tasting success. The "fast or well" equivalency is a false one. Rather, a beginner should focus on learning the basics first. You don't put a first time driver in a Ferarri...Rust is a Ferarri.
No problem :) out of curiosity what do you currently use to learn web development? Something like Sublime or VS Code would be good options if you're looking (I recommend Sublime but it's up to you).
I worked through the majority of it when learning to code (didn't finish all of the "certifications" as I ended up finding a job). Happy to answer any questions about it as well.