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Either you forgot something you did in the past X years or you've uncovered a massive conspiracy. I know where I'd put my money. I mean, to say you've NEVER clicked an ad, even accidentally? I doubt it, internet stranger.

In case of Facebook ads, you can check advertisers whose ads you clicked on the same page where you check who uploaded your data.

In my case it shows... 2x more than I expected, but looking at the names, most of those were most likely pictures of t-shirts, or funny videos, that I just clicked to check out.

Interesting. OP are you saying that it shows you clicked 0 ads? In that case, you might be on to something.

The GUI interface shows 0 activity across the board. The data download is much more helpful and complete - shows two ad actions of "action": "closed ad" within the past 2 weeks, one of which I would have been asleep. It confirms they don't have my phone or any other alternate email, other than the @facebook.com address they auto-generate for everyone. I'm thinking now that maybe someone realized that Facebook did this and set out to grab usernames via the graph and added emails to their list that contained username@facebook.com. Best theory at the moment since that sounds exactly like something a growth hacker would come up with. The data download doesn't tell you which email address the advertisers provided from their list, which would settle this pretty quick.

> I mean, to say you've NEVER clicked an ad, even accidentally? I doubt it, internet stranger.

This isn't a superhuman feat. Just install an ad blocker and don't click on the obvious sidebar ads. Done.

My ad preference record demonstrably shows I've not done so, with only 10 advertisers on the list and no ads clicked for the last 90 days at least.

I guess it helps to not have Facebook on your phone too.

Does Facebook not sell the email/contact information? If so, those lists are going to make the rounds, 1,100 seems excessive though.

Also consider it could have been an employee grabbing contact/details lists and selling them.

I don’t. He seems determined. My money’s on the stranger!

How do we settle this?

he should give us the email address .. lol

to be clear OP, i'm not trying to be mean or anything. i don't remember what i had for lunch yesterday. it seems that unless you took technical means to validate that everything you said is true, it's quite likely there was an errant click, an errant sharing of the email to a friend, etc, etc.

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