> This can be partially mitigated in the same way it has been worked-around before: Through proxies. The fact that HTTP/3 is still only HTTP makes it even easier.
But if we’re doing that we get none of the so called benefits Google-HTTP 2.0 and Google-HTTP 3.0 brings, so what’s the point of using them in the first place?
That’s completely ignoring Google-HTTP 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0 probably coming next year, and the issue of when Google thinks it is “reasonable” to break compatibility with the real HTTP, ie HTTP 1.1.
You still get some of the benefits for the connection to the client, assuming your use case fits. Many typical small setups serve static resources through the "proxy" (i.e. nginx for static assets and distributing requests to backends), benefiting there almost automatically. Similarly CDNs, which nowadays are used even by tiny projects.
(also, if you want your concerns to be taken seriously, I'd tone it down a bit. "so called benefits", "Google HTTP", and "probably coming next year" when QUIC has been in development and testing for over 5 years all don't really give the impression you actually care about the details)
But if we’re doing that we get none of the so called benefits Google-HTTP 2.0 and Google-HTTP 3.0 brings, so what’s the point of using them in the first place?
That’s completely ignoring Google-HTTP 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0 probably coming next year, and the issue of when Google thinks it is “reasonable” to break compatibility with the real HTTP, ie HTTP 1.1.