But almost all IDEs and editors have a VIM mode - learning VIM is a good way to teach people how to keep their fingers on home row, and the skill is (because of what I stated previously) easily transferred to whatever editor you like.
From my perspective, I tried to learn Emacs, and decided it's a great editor, once you spend weeks to months to get it actually "working good," and learn shitloads of commands (let alone keybindings). Given my initial goal was "keep hands on home row," it was far, far faster/better for me to spend 3 days learning/memorizing VIM commands, installing a vim plugin into VScode, and just doing that.
Would love to use Emacs, but it's a nightmare to set up. I still haven't managed to get it feature parity with vscode.
> Would love to use Emacs, but it's a nightmare to set up.
Maybe you would like spacemacs then? It is a Configuration Bundle for Emacs focusing on "Evil Mode" (aka the Vim emulator in Emacs). It is just a few minutes to install and if you already familiar with vim then there should not be much change what the normal editor usage is concerned. Of course the customization is Emacs lisp which has a bit of a learning curve, but just to get started with Emacs and evil you don't really need to customize anything.
I wouldn't say Emacs is "a nightmare to set up"; rather, it's a continuous process of learning and improving.
Getting Emacs installed and running should hopefully be easy (e.g. via your OS package manager). After that I think it mostly comes down to coming up with workflows that you're comfortable with, building muscle memory and gradually introducing new things to see whether or not they stick.
From my perspective, I tried to learn Emacs, and decided it's a great editor, once you spend weeks to months to get it actually "working good," and learn shitloads of commands (let alone keybindings). Given my initial goal was "keep hands on home row," it was far, far faster/better for me to spend 3 days learning/memorizing VIM commands, installing a vim plugin into VScode, and just doing that.
Would love to use Emacs, but it's a nightmare to set up. I still haven't managed to get it feature parity with vscode.