There is a surprising amount of money to be made in making containers for rocks, making black plastic bags for refuse and other things where you would not imagine a fortune could be made. As per the HESCO example it is a gruff Northerner with a 'where there is muck there is brass' attitude that inevitably exploits the potential. Shame about the Segway incident though.
Thanks to the wars in Afghanistan the founder got rich enough to buy Segway. Then he drove off a cliff in his Segway ending his life.
Camp Bastion in Afghanistan is a big base that is named after the HESCO Bastions it is made of:
There is a surprising amount of money to be made in making containers for rocks, making black plastic bags for refuse and other things where you would not imagine a fortune could be made. As per the HESCO example it is a gruff Northerner with a 'where there is muck there is brass' attitude that inevitably exploits the potential. Shame about the Segway incident though.