I couldn't agree more, although I'd take a step further and extend it to way more stuff: options, features, libraries, and even applications. Building up an index of knowledge generally help in deciding what tool or technique to reach for.
I'll often look at stuff and wonder: what is your purpose? In my experience, explanations without context aren't generally very useful. It's much easier to incorporate knowledge when you're first presented with a concrete example of a problem along with its solution, and then you're presented with the abstraction.
One of the most notorious examples I can think of is when someone tries to explain monads. For some reason people often start by providing a long mathematical definition, which is completely useless if you don't even understand the weird words being used. It's worth learning Haskell just for all the new concepts and ideas it'll expose you to, even though the syntax looks very unfamiliar at first.
I'll often look at stuff and wonder: what is your purpose? In my experience, explanations without context aren't generally very useful. It's much easier to incorporate knowledge when you're first presented with a concrete example of a problem along with its solution, and then you're presented with the abstraction.
One of the most notorious examples I can think of is when someone tries to explain monads. For some reason people often start by providing a long mathematical definition, which is completely useless if you don't even understand the weird words being used. It's worth learning Haskell just for all the new concepts and ideas it'll expose you to, even though the syntax looks very unfamiliar at first.