Cascaded tables... A table with a pending action pops to the front, and others go immediately behind it. Various helper programs put the mouse in the right place, set the appropriate bet size, register for new tournaments, etc. Basically all he has to do is click Check, Bet/Raise, or Fold (using the keyboard or a controller), and everything else is taken care of.
This is tangential to your question, but proper strategy in Double or Nothing tournaments is to play extremely tight. The top 5/10 players get just under double their buy-in back. Winning one hand can sometimes be enough to win the entire tournament, and I've even won one without playing a single hand. The point is that he's folding probably 90% of hands preflop.
This is tangential to your question, but proper strategy in Double or Nothing tournaments is to play extremely tight. The top 5/10 players get just under double their buy-in back. Winning one hand can sometimes be enough to win the entire tournament, and I've even won one without playing a single hand. The point is that he's folding probably 90% of hands preflop.