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It is a shame that HN does not have some system where you

- mark a title as clickbait

- either suggest an alternate title, or accept one from a list of previously submitted alternate titles

When enough karma has gathered behind a title the system can automatically replace it.

I have seen many titles on HN reported as "clickbait" which are changed eventually to reflect better the actual content.

I'm not sure if it is done my moderators or it just depends on the original poster to change it.

On the other hand, it is the exact title of the article being linked....

I disagree.

I feel a lot of the comments decrying "clickbait" actually disagree with the opinion or the underlying assumptions the title conveys.

(Such as in this case the question whether or not this is a simple decision over technical details or a broader shift in strategy with consequences for the users)

I fear this feature could be easily abused by people removing the connotation of the title in the name of making it more "objective" - but by doing this, actually throwing out the reason why the article was posted.

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