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I found https://jsonnet.org/ to fix several issues with the Borg configuration language.

https://github.com/ksonnet/kubecfg is an attempt to reboot the borgcfg experience with k8s + jsonnet

There is also Https://GitHub.com/dhall-lang/dhall-kubernetes which is built on top of dhall, another competitor of jsonnet

There is no such thing as borgcfg experience. It’s just a configuration dsl applied to producing borg specs.

You might take it for granted, and thus not experience it as an "experience", but if you use other tools that are popular in the k8s world (such as helm) you might feel a tinge of nostalgia.

For example, {borg,kube}cfg allow you to import an existing config and override it so you can adapt it to another scenario (different things in different clusters, like prod vs staging, or a cluster has a new feature while another one doesn't etc).

Furthermore, the overrides are described with the same "shape" as the things they override, and can override things that weren't necessarily marked as overridable.

Compare this with the current state of affairs with helm, where the only way for users to be able to inject e.g. the resources requests and limits in a pod spec is for the original template author to have foreseen that need and explicitly added a hook in the template so that values from another file (the values.yaml) can be injected into it.

            - name: {{ .Values.image.pullSecret }}
            - name: {{ template "mycontainer.name" . }}
    {{ toYaml .Values.resources | indent 12 }}

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