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I showed my son (age nine) a floppy disk a couple of months ago. His immediate comment? "Wow, a 3d-printed save icon!"


Is this actually happening to lots of parents/kids or is this joke that lots of people copy from each other? https://www.google.com/search?q=Wow%2C+a+3d-printed+save+ico...

This gets funnier. I just asked the little one whether his comment had been as spontaneous as it had seemed at the time, and got a sigh and eyes rolling for my trouble.

"Dad, it is a joke off the Internet. All the kids in school say that whenever they see a diskette."

Now I feel really old.

Don't forget that the kids have all those websites cataloging memes and such, and they often have extensive research on origins of those things.

Quite possibly both? I can definitely see where my son is coming from, as he's only seen floppies once in his life, whereas even his Nintendo Switch uses a floppy to indicate that it is saving his progress. Must be baffling.

I hadn't felt as old as I did then since I bumped into the first kid who didn't know what a landline was. ("Imagine a cellphone with no battery, so you needed to keep it plugged in at all times...")

> who didn't know what a landline was

I feel like you've been had another time.

At least I keep hoping that kids see plenty of those in older movies.

The Verge even wrote an article about how common the joke is. [1]

Not to say it didn’t happen to lb1lf.

1: https://www.theverge.com/2017/10/24/16505912/floppy-disk-3d-...

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